Over 500 students from different Higher Education Institutions in Buea have today the 6th of June 2023 converged at Biaka University Institute of Buea (BUIB) to begin the 2023 session of the Higher National Diploma examination HND.
BUIB as a sub center of the Buea Center for HND exams in the South West Region, plays host to students from 22 disciplines including Management, Engineering, Nursing, Information Technology, Journalism and Agriculture among others.
With over 1,300 students sitting for this examination in Buea, 800 are products of Biaka University Institute of Buea.
According to the director of the School of Health Sciences Mr. Njoping Christopher, these 800 students from BUIB have been adequately prepared for this exams. It is however left to them to play their part and emerge in flying colours.
It is worth noting that HND gives students the skills needed for a particular field of work to enable them lead straight into a career. Depending on the subject studied as a Higher National Diploma student, HND also permits holders to further their education. The HND exams is expected to run from Tuesday June 6th to Saturday June 10th 2023